Reengaging movie going experience by creating Covid-19 conscious events where families can enjoy their time in a safe manner.
PARK & Watch EVENTS was created to address the need for entertainment and charity in this uncertain pandemic environment. We have initiated collaborations with Montgomery County municipalities and local charities to bring you safe and engaging entertainment and give back to the community at the same time.
We aim to organize fun and engaging events that would have the community buzzing. You can enjoy watching movies from the comfort of your car, listen to local bands play music prior to the motion picture event and enjoy the best foods our local food trucks have to offer. Check out our next event and we will see you there.
60 second video spots during main motion picture event and website recognition.
15 second video spots during main motion picture event.
30 second video spots during main motion picture event.
5 second still advertisements during main motion picture event.
The natural elements were against us and at times it seemed like our event would be in jeopardy of being cancelled. But the stars aligned and we had an amazing showing.
Kicking Off a New Era of Outdoor Entertainment. Rockville Dinner & Movie Night is here. Get your tickets today and reserve your spot for the movie event of the month.
Stay up to date with our upcoming events and note our valued sponsors that make our events a reality and support our communities.